Physical Intelligence, Technical Excellence.

JEMS® is the internationally recognised movement education philosophy that truly integrates the science of rehabilitation and performance with the experience of embodiment and self knowledge.

JEMS® has a simple mission: to enable people of all backgrounds, ages and levels of physical ability to learn the art of working with their body instead of against it, to have confidence in their bodies, and to reclaim and enjoy the activities that matter most to them.

Joanne Elphinston

Joanne is an internationally respected thought leader and innovator in the field of movement and rehabilitation, a leading elite performance movement and rehabilitation consultant, embodiment specialist, physiotherapist, and author.
For more than thirty years, Joanne has pursued the art and science of movement, uncovering the connections between diverse areas of research such as biomechanics and motor learning, philosophy and emotion to reflect the full human experience. Joanne’s inclusive philosophy, endless curiosity and passion for enabling people to connect with themselves and their potential has led to her to work over a remarkable spectrum, from Olympic level athletes and top performing artists to children and the elderly, each one equally as fascinating and absorbing.
The result is JEMS®, an approach that is much loved by its practitioners around the world for its compassion and humanity as much as its detailed, systematic method for integrating the science into simple, effective, truly holistic programmes that are can be enjoyed by everyone.

Joanne's books can be found on

Kent Fyrth

Kent is a JEMS® tutor, private practitioner and international lecturer.

He has a holistic treatment philosophy underpinning his breadth of experience working with elite sports and the performing arts to chronic pain management.

Kent holds an advanced qualification in Manipulative Physiotherapy and a certification in Clinical Pilates (Dance Medicine Australia). His qualification in Somatic Experiencing complements his practice by addressing the symptoms of trauma and stress which are expressed physically.

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